Saturday, October 29, 2005

Glory Days

I just got back from a screening of "Nosferatu" with a live musical score by the "Silent Orchestra" which was absolutely spectacular. I never would have expected a two-man accompanyment to be so entrancing in that the patterns formed by the instrumentation sounded so contemporary yet so fitting to the cinematic material.

I just had to pull out a stitch from my upper-right wisdom tooth extraction spot b/c the doctor apparently forgot to remove that one. And thus, the gauze goes back into my mouth (just when i thought I was done with this shit!).

Thus, I'm sitting in my mother's house watching college football and I just came to the odd realization that these athletes I''m watching on ESPN2 are my age or younger. I've always had the conception of "growing up" to be a star athlete (not in the sense of myself becoming a start athlete, but in the sense of the sports stars I see on TV being way older than me). Now I feel somewhat like I'm watching a Pop-Warner football game.

Heading back to Oberlin tomorrow b/c I start work at the bookstore Monday @ 9AM. Fuck yeah! Having a job is totally rad, as it means I can actually pay my rent. Though i do wish I was able to stick around for Sunday (DC United playoff game) and Monday (partying with Stefan). Such is life though, and when it comes down to it I'll take this job over either of thus (hell, if I leave early enough I can watch the game on TV).

I've been tossing around the idea of using IFS monies to fund an Oberlin College Student Film Festival at the end of the year. It would definitely be a lot of work, but it would be really interesting to pull off and it's totally where I want to see the focus of IFS head in the future.

- adam

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