Sunday, April 02, 2006

No Parking

The rundown on "spring break" (what exactly is it that I need to take a break from?) 2006:

I have to say that I didn't really expect much from this past weak except for a break in the cycle of watching tv at AC's house to createa a new cycle of watching tv at my mom's house. I did in fact manage to accomplish a great deal of this, however, I also left my idyllic setting of hardwood floors and a balcony with beach furniture.

My arrival on Monday evening involved nothing of note, Tuesday being where all the fun begins. After waking up with my usual mid-afternoon timing I made a trek over to the cinema with mother dearest. This, of course, meant going to Hoffman Center, the very same complex where many high profile government court cases are held (Moussaoui and Miller of NYTimes fame for instance). Needless to say this was fairly prevalent in my mnd when half-way through Spike Lee's new picture "Inside Man" the fire alarm system goes blaring off. 45 minutes and a free movie ticket later, we come to discover that "hey, we can't find the car!" To our surprise, this is not because of my family's penchant for poor memory, but b/c our car had been towed. This led to a two hour journey of misery in which i learned that, among other inconvieniences, tow companies only take cash.

A brief trip to visit Mason frends later that night (for stress relief purposes of course) led to the discovery that as unfortunate as the legal troubles of other's may be (snitches get stitches), one can benefit through the inheritance of $400 glasswork. Further, in NoVA laws of sobriety apparently run opposite to those of typical society. More on this later.

And that, my friends is Tuesday. Wednesday to follow when I feel like typing more.

- adam

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