Monday, August 29, 2005

Post-Summer Vacation

Spending the vast majority of one's day watching DVDs of old TV shows and sippin' 40ozs can be quite wearing on the psyche. That of course is an untruth, what it has done for me however has made me realize how nice it is to be in a place where you and the people you enjoy spending time with have exceedingly large amounts of free time. It's almost as if the past few days have been a dream that I'm wrestling to keep, in the sense that soon enough campus will be filled with people who create drama and classes that drain free time (other people's free time of course).

I finally signed the lease on my apartment. Thus, it's looking like the experiment of mine involving living in the world of the working man is finally getting off the ground. I only hope that working in a college environment won't be too distracting so as to prevent me from having the energy to do anything but go to work and waste time with friends. If that is the case, I'll likely feel like time has stood still around me whereas everyone else has continued to move on with their lives. Fortunately, I am excited about the work I have planned for IFS and if I can manage to get the job I applied for in the Archives department I should be able to distract myself with various historical documents.

All-in-all though, things are looking fairly nice. I find working to be far less stressful than classes and it should be a good period of time to offer me some perspective on what the hell it is I'm doing with my college education.

- Adam

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